The funniest travel memes
You know them: hilarious memes that always represent reality exactly in one way or another. The internet is completely full of it nowadays! Of course you also find some of them that have to do with traveling. We think these are the best!
When your best friend sends you photos of dream destinations
Oh. Hateful. DO NOT. DO IT!
If the metal detector goes off when you walk through it
Put Huh, belt and telephone in that box? But why..
If your bank account can not handle your wanderlust
If your New Year's intentions depend on other things
Or just book your tickets with us! (okay, shameless advertising, sorry;))
I already pack my bags!
It will be amazing!
How your mother looks when you tell her that you are going on a journey again
And it does not matter how old you are - the face remains the same!
If you are suddenly upgraded to Business Class
Instant diva behavior alert!
Packing clothes that you've never worn before
Packing before and after your trip
Hands up if you always choose the wrong row
Als je tas teveel is aangekomen
Sorry, but this chair is MINE
If mum says you have a travel addiction
It's a whole new world
Always the eternal battle
And finally... a golden oldie
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