Fly cheap to Johannesburg
*Return fares per person, including taxes, excluding the €9.99 booking fee.
Practical information
There are certain differences between Johannesburg and Ireland which are crucial. Check out the overview below before taking off to Joahnesburg.
- Temperature: The average temperature is 30˚C during the summer months and 15˚C during the winter months.
- Time difference: Johannesburg is 1 hour ahead of Dublin during the summer and 2 hours ahead during the winter.
- Currency: The South African rand (ZAR).
- Language: There are 11 official languages in South-Africa. English and Afrikaans are two of them.
- Required travel documents: The rules and regulations of travel documents and visa applications change frequently. There can also be different requirements. On the website of the visa service the required and current information is listed.
- Health: Information about the (mandatory) vaccinations change constantly. Current information can be found on Travel Health Pro and NHS or consult your GP surgery.
*Return fares per person, including taxes, excluding the €9.99 booking fee.