Dubai has much to offer. But what do you have to keep in mind? Check out the overview below.
Geography: Dubai is part of the seven United Arab Emirates. It has an area of 4.114 square kilometers and has a population of 2.268.986. Approximately 85% of the population are expats.
Climate: Dubai has sub-tropical climate and it barely rains. Temperature is on average 26˚C during the winter. Are you planning to go during the summer? The temperature could rise up to 40˚C.
Time difference: Dubai is 3 hours ahead of Dublin during the summer months and 4 hours ahead during the winter months.
Currency: The VAE dirham (AED).
Flight duration: Approximately 7 hours from Dublin Airport.
Dress code: It is not recommended to wear revealing clothes as they can be seen as provoking. Bikinis and bathing suits are allowed in swimming pools and hotels.
Visa/Passport: Citizens of Ireland are required to have a pasport which is valid for a minimum of 6 months upon return to Ireland from the United Arab Emirates. After you show it at the airport, you wil get a visa of 30 days.
Exchange office: The exchange offices are often available 24 hours a day and are located at the airports and shopping centres.
Car hire: Car rentals are possible with an international driving license.